Posts in 2018

  • 2018 Steering Committee Election Cycle Kicks Off

    By Paris Pittman (Google), Jorge Castro (Heptio), Ihor Dvoretskyi (CNCF) | Thursday, September 06, 2018 in Blog

    Having a clear, definable governance model is crucial for the health of open source projects. For one of the highest velocity projects in the open source world, governance is critical especially for one as large and active as Kubernetes, which is one …

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  • The Machines Can Do the Work, a Story of Kubernetes Testing, CI, and Automating the Contributor Experience

    By Aaron Crickenberger (Google), Benjamin Elder (Google) | Wednesday, August 29, 2018 in Blog

    “Large projects have a lot of less exciting, yet, hard work. We value time spent automating repetitive work more highly than toil. Where that work cannot be automated, it is our culture to recognize and reward all types of contributions. However, …

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  • Introducing Kubebuilder: an SDK for building Kubernetes APIs using CRDs

    By Phillip Wittrock (Google), Sunil Arora (Google) | Friday, August 10, 2018 in Blog

    How can we enable applications such as MySQL, Spark and Cassandra to manage themselves just like Kubernetes Deployments and Pods do? How do we configure these applications as their own first class APIs instead of a collection of StatefulSets, …

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  • Out of the Clouds onto the Ground: How to Make Kubernetes Production Grade Anywhere

    By Steven Wong (VMware), Michael Gasch (VMware) | Friday, August 03, 2018 in Blog

    This blog offers some guidelines for running a production grade Kubernetes cluster in an environment like an on-premise data center or edge location. What does it mean to be “production grade”? The installation is secure The deployment is managed …

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  • Dynamically Expand Volume with CSI and Kubernetes

    By Orain Xiong (WoquTech) | Thursday, August 02, 2018 in Blog

    There is a very powerful storage subsystem within Kubernetes itself, covering a fairly broad spectrum of use cases. Whereas, when planning to build a product-grade relational database platform with Kubernetes, we face a big challenge: coming up with …

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  • KubeVirt: Extending Kubernetes with CRDs for Virtualized Workloads

    By David Vossel (Red Hat) | Friday, July 27, 2018 in Blog

    What is KubeVirt? KubeVirt is a Kubernetes addon that provides users the ability to schedule traditional virtual machine workloads side by side with container workloads. Through the use of Custom Resource Definitions (CRDs) and other Kubernetes …

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  • Feature Highlight: CPU Manager

    By Balaji Subramaniam (Intel), Connor Doyle (Intel) | Tuesday, July 24, 2018 in Blog

    This blog post describes the CPU Manager, a beta feature in Kubernetes. The CPU manager feature enables better placement of workloads in the Kubelet, the Kubernetes node agent, by allocating exclusive CPUs to certain pod containers. Sounds Good! But …

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  • The History of Kubernetes & the Community Behind It

    By Brendan Burns (Microsoft) | Friday, July 20, 2018 in Blog

    It is remarkable to me to return to Portland and OSCON to stand on stage with members of the Kubernetes community and accept this award for Most Impactful Open Source Project. It was scarcely three years ago, that on this very same stage we declared …

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  • Kubernetes Wins the 2018 OSCON Most Impact Award

    By Brian Grant (Google), Tim Hockin (Google) | Thursday, July 19, 2018 in Blog

    We are humbled to be recognized by the community with this award. We had high hopes when we created Kubernetes. We wanted to change the way cloud applications were deployed and managed. Whether we’d succeed or not was very uncertain. And look how far …

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  • 11 Ways (Not) to Get Hacked

    By Andrew Martin (ControlPlane) | Wednesday, July 18, 2018 in Blog

    Kubernetes security has come a long way since the project's inception, but still contains some gotchas. Starting with the control plane, building up through workload and network security, and finishing with a projection into the future of security, …

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